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Date 15/Oct/2020

Churches Closed for Sunday Worship:

Churches Closed for Sunday Worship:

The news last week was bad enough…..that churches must resort to online services again under Level 3 Restrictions for three weeks. 
The announcement yesterday (Wednesday 14th, whilst somewhat unclear as regards Level 3 Restrictions themselves) that all but essential household visits are forbidden until 10th November, as are indoor and certain outdoor gatherings, that government directive would seem to suggest that our returning to worship in church is also not possible until after 10th November.
As I said this is somewhat unclear, but until we receive clarification, and assuming this to be the case, we shall not be returning to our churches before Sunday 15th November at the earliest. Should this situation change I’ll email the updated arrangements and these will also be posted on our parish website and social media pages.

Our Podcast Services will continue to be produced and made available on all the parish media platforms as before. Some people already receive the podcast service internet link and the accompanying pew sheet by email each week. If you know of someone who does not receive this email and may like to, please ask them to let me know and I will add them to the mailing list.
Please continue to pray for our government and leaders as they face further difficult decisions in the coming weeks and months, and for each other as we seek to take care of ourselves, our family members and friends, and to stay safe ourselves.
With my continuing prayers and best wishes at this difficult time.
