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Date 13/May/2021

Reopening of Churches from 16th May

Church Services from May 16th 2021.
As we prepare to open or churches in Cashel Union on a phased basis, the following should be bourn in mind by those returning to worship in ouor churches.

Religious Services:
50 are permitted to attend Places of Worship for recommencement of Religious Services.
As with previous reopening for services, the following protective measures continue to apply:
• 2m social distancing guidelines adhered to (members of the same household can sit/stand close together)
• Wearing of face coverings
• Where possible separate points of entrance and exit, clearly marked
• No congregation by people outside the premises before and after any service
It is advised that other religious ceremonies such as Confirmations should not take place at this time.

50 mourners permitted at service.
Related events, either before or after, should not take place.
Notwithstanding the increase in numbers permitted, funerals are still considered private family events and arrangements should not be advertised in newspapers or on–line.

50 guests permitted at service (civil or religious).

As with previous reopening for religious service congregational singing and choir singing is not permitted.

Outdoor Worship is not permitted in line with Government restrictions on organised outdoor gatherings.

Drive–in Religious Services may take place outside places of worship (e.g. church carpark) where all attendees remain in their vehicles and no sharing of vehicle outside of family unit.

Use of Religious premises for any other purposes/parochial activities/community meetings etc is not permitted in line with Government restrictions on organised indoor gatherings.